Massive changes tone down overperformers and speed up the pace of combat.
The first balance update following the release of Teamfight Tactics Set Seven Dragonlands is packed with big and small changes that target gameplay systems, champions, traits, items, bug fixes, and Draconic Augments.
Since the release of TFT Set Seven, a mostly healthy meta has allowed players to compete with a variety of comps and champions. Patch 12.12 targets overperforming champions from the release, like Diana, who was also bugged. The team also made adjustments to a number of traits with the goal of speeding up the overall pace of gameplay while reworking several champions, buffing underperformers, resolving over two dozen bug issues, and balancing Draconic Augments.
From Drangonlands nerfs and buffs to reworks and bug fixes, here are the full TFT Set Seven Patch 12.12 notes.
Following the release of Patch 12.12, the TFT pushed through a hotfix that reverted buffs to Volibear and made critical adjustments to Daeja.
The inclusion of the Treasure Dragon has been one of the many highlights within TFT Set Seven, despite the awkwardness of when the shop refreshes and the time between Stages. Several system changes getting implemented within Patch 12.12 to the Treasure Dragon should smooth out the transition between Stages.
A UI icon for Double Up players was added to the round tracker, providing information as to when Runes of Allegiance will appear during a game upon mousing-over or tapping the icon. And several adjustments were made to the Hyper Roll mode, targeting Nomsy and Shimmerscale items.
Only three total items were targeted within Patch 12.12, specifically Deathblade.
Ascension was one of the strongest Draconic Augments at the release of TFT Set Seven due to combat taking longer to resolve. And Built Different One was one of the least played Augments during the PBE testing period. Stage scaling was added to Built Different, True Twos was buffed, and items granted from Crown and Soul Augments have been adjusted.
The launch of Set Seven had several traits like Bruiser and Guardian slowing down the pace of combat. Adjustments were made to lower health and shields in an effort to speed up the overall combat pace at all stages. Vertical traits that were overperforming, like Ragewing, were nerfed, while multiple Shimmerscale items were adjusted.
Patch 12.12 targeted almost every TFT Set Seven champion with some type of balance change, from nerfs and buffs to reworks and minor lever tweaks. A total of four Dragonlands champions were revoked. Underperformers like Volibear were buffed and overperformers like Sett were nerfed.
Update June 23 3:30pm CT: A TFT Patch 12.12 hotfix was applied.