Anonymous, 06 Aug 2022Samsung doesn't have too much bloatware now. I'm using A52. It is pretty lightweight... more Ok. Are you sure the Samsung health and wearable apps, microsoft apps, Samsung's own suite of apps and others are not there? Problem is, even if its there, we can't quite use ADB to uninstall those apps due to Knox Security, if I'm not wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong. But yes, with LG gone, maybe my next phone can be a Samsung or Sony. What else is a decent replacement anyways?
kek, 1 hour agobruh saying "Zero bloatware" while the full Office 365, OneDrive, Snapchat, FB and o... more I have only OneDrive and Facebook preinstalled in my phone that has 256GB of storage. So no problem at all.
Anonymous, 23 hours ago Samsung has almost zero bloatware now. Nobody can beat One UI. bruh saying "Zero bloatware" while the full Office 365, OneDrive, Snapchat, FB and other crap comes installed even on flagships 🤣, and this is being fair, because some Samsung Apps are useful, like the Notes one, and they can be uninstalled, too, so that's ok.
This is LG testing the waters. I'm pretty sure they are still eyeing out the mobile market, but will first try entering their strongest markets first. There's no way they dont want to come back since they own a Telecom in South Korea, had multiple partnertships with Telecoms in North America, and they also have their ThinQ ecosystem.
RojakKL, 06 Aug 2022Spec, price, is good, but should get more Variants. 5G spec telephony More cameras, Up to... more 1 rear camera is enough
you have to suffer, 14 hours agomeanwhile facebook and other 11 microsoft apps: yeah you'd still not consider it as bloa... more Come and see my phone yourself. Zero to no bloatware. 11 Microsoft apps? What a joke my phone has only OneDrive.
you have to suffer, 14 hours agodrawing would be sluggish😂😂😭😭 imagine trying to draw smoothly then ended up being a broken lin... more No it wouldn't.. I have a phone with Snapdragon 665 and it's not sluggish at all, Snapdragon 680 should be even better, unless the the software it's really unoptimized and bloated.
Waicom stylus compatible too man this budget tablet beats the pants off Samsungs lower end tablet. I wonder if the panel is nicer...we all know anything OLED is LG (look it up) but I hope the LCD is nice!
KondriX, 06 Aug 2022Oh please, Snapdragon 680 is more than enough for day-to-day tasks, and this is not a gaming t... more drawing would be sluggish😂😂😭😭 imagine trying to draw smoothly then ended up being a broken line. speaking of type of protection, they should buy a rugged case.
Anonymous, 06 Aug 2022Samsung doesn't have too much bloatware now. I'm using A52. It is pretty lightweight... more meanwhile facebook and other 11 microsoft apps: yeah you'd still not consider it as bloatware. since not everyone use them. and cant be uninstalled by end user unless you have to crack the knox security to perform adb
I'm glad LG is back. Please make new kind of tablet. Like sliding tablet or anything 🤣 xD I like LG innovation although not enough improvement، haha ... But I'm sure LG gonna lose again because of pricing, hahaha
Samath N8 808 owner, 06 Aug 2022No, actually the guy you quoted has a point (even though I didn't like how he said "... more Samsung has almost zero bloatware now. Nobody can beat One UI.
For someone with the sluggish Galaxy Tab A7 Lite, this device seems to be a real upgrade. The combination of the SD680 chipset and a 4GB/64GB configuration with microSD expansion may make this an ideal affordable tablet for day-to-day tasks
ggeZ, 06 Aug 2022trash for android want to make a tablet on low end chipset and the price gone too far i wou... more The downside to iOS is the walled garden and lagging UX. It's harder to move data than in Android. Google is trying their best to destroy Android but it's still useful with workarounds.
Anonymous, 06 Aug 2022You do realize that on just SoC alone, a baseline iPad (same priced fyi) beats the crap out of... more Absolutely, but my point was comparing this against similarly priced Android tablets. iPads are in a different league when it comes to this segment.
Anonymous, 06 Aug 2022For everyone out there, this tab is a good option at 330USD. Why? Because the 680 is genuin... more for this price i would go for iPad -better chipset -better software price for DATA version maybe high but most of tablet user use wifi im very sure just share from your phone or use home wifi
trash for android want to make a tablet on low end chipset and the price gone too far i would go iPad instead of this
Anonymous, 06 Aug 2022Its simply not possible for them to design and manufacture a high end tablet or ANY tablet on ... more I agree that is likely. However, given the technology or the money LG has, they CAN do it if they want to. SW is the thing that differentiates one company from the other. No wonder why Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo have so much dominance, let alone Apple.
Spec, price, is good, but should get more Variants. 5G spec telephony More cameras, Up to 12gb ram/512gb
This is where LG fightback as a tablet products
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