2022-08-13 02:16:15 By : Mr. Mike Ma

HAVING SEEN File EX-2021-56191134- -APNSGA#MS, Decree 640/2020 of July 31, 2020, the Loan granted by the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK - IDB Loan Agreement 5032/OC-AR destined to partially finance the “Immediate Public Health Response Project in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Contain, Control and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of Health Services in Argentina”, the Law of Ministries No. 22,520 (TO Decree No. 438/ 92, and its amendments), Decree 945 of November 17, 2017, Decree No. 223/2021 of March 28, 2021, Resolution No. RESOL-2020-2216-APN-MS of November 30, 2020, YThat due to the file cited in the Seen, it processes the International Public Tender MSAL-29-LPI-B for the "Acquisition of computer equipment (Consolidated Demand)", this within the framework of the "Immediate Public Health Response Project in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Contain, Control and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of Health Services in Argentina” (IDB Loan Agreement 5032/OC-AR), which was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Policies for the Acquisition of Goods and Works Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank” GN-2349-15 (May 2019).That through Decree No. 640/2020, the IDB 5032/OC-AR Loan Contract Model was approved between the REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA and the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB) aimed at solving the execution of the "Immediate Public Health Response Project in the Framework for the COVID-19 Pandemic to Contain, Control and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of Health Services in Argentina”, the parties signing the respective IDB Loan Agreement No. 5032/OC-AR dated September 2, 2020 (CONVE -2020-58346157-APN-SSRFID#SAE).That article 6 of the aforementioned Decree designated the MINISTRY OF HEALTH as the "Executing Agency of the Immediate Public Health Response Project in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Contain, Control and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of Health Services in Argentina." , through the SECRETARIAT OF EQUITY IN HEALTH and the SECRETARIAT OF ACCESS TO HEALTH, who will be responsible for the technical management of the project, and the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF PROJECTS WITH EXTERNAL FINANCING of the UNDERSECRETARIAT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT of the aforementioned Ministry, which will be responsible for administrative, procurement and financial management.That by Decree No. 223/2021, in order to optimize the management of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH, the organizational structure was modified, establishing the objectives up to the level of Undersecretaries, creating the SECRETARIAT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT.That by Resolution No. RESOL-2020-2216-APN-MS he was appointed as NATIONAL DIRECTOR of the “Immediate Public Health Response Project in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Contain, Control and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of Services of Health in Argentina” IDB Loan Contract 5032/OC-AR, to the head of the SECRETARIAT OF EQUITY IN HEALTH or whoever holds the function in the future.That through Note NO-2021-47940849-APN-DNRISS#MS, the contracting request duly formulated by the DIRECTORATE OF INTEGRATED NETWORKS OF HEALTH SERVICES is found, for which it requested the acquisition of 800 notebooks, foreseeing a unit price of USD 920 .00, which totals the sum of USD 736,000.00 and a delivery term of SIXTY (60) calendar days counted from the signing of the Contract.That by Note NO-2021-50287202-APN-SES#MS the consent given by the SECRETARIAT OF EQUITY IN HEALTH to carry out this contract appears.That by Providence PV-2021-56206220-APN-SGA#MS the SECRETARIAT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT gave its consent to carry out this contracting with charge BID-5032/OCAR, following the IDB Entity Procurement Policies applicable to the COVID Emergency -19, noting that "said acquisition is provided for in the PAC 2021 and in BAPIN, and corresponds to the process identified MSAL-29-CP-B, without prejudice to which its incorporation into the process processed by the file is recommended. EX-2021-36286862- -APN-SGA#MS to the extent that said process has not yet been initiated”.That based on this, the Head of Acquisitions of the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF PROJECTS WITH EXTERNAL FINANCING, by PV-2021-57216870-APN-DGPFE#MS provided that "the acquisitions of computer equipment were consolidated in the same acquisition process , in accordance with the following criteria: FIRST: Purchases of computer equipment processed by files EX-2021-36286862- -APN-SGA#MS and EX-2021-56191134- -APN-SGA#MS will be consolidated.That both files contemplate acquisitions of computer equipment through the IDB loan 5032/OC-AR “Immediate Public Health Response Project in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Contain, Control and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of Health Services in Argentina".The first file provides for the acquisition of computer equipment (several items) for the estimated amount of USD 4,694,588.52;while the second file contemplates the acquisition of notebooks for the estimated amount of USD 736,000 and that the estimated total of the contract will then be USD 5,430,588.52.That it went on to state that: SECOND: The joint purchase was consolidated under the SEPA Ref line No. MSAL-29-LPI-B- issued in order No. 6 (IF-2021-57208195-APN-DGPFE#MS).As stipulated in the Program's Operating Regulations, this procurement for the estimated amount must be processed under the International Public Bidding mechanism in accordance with the Policies for the Procurement of Goods and Works Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2349- fifteen.That I finally state that: THIRD: The ETAPS corresponding to the goods detailed in the contract file EX-2021-36286862- -APN-SGA#MS were sent to the National Office of Information Technologies (ONTI) through the file EX- 2021-53351971- -APN-DGPFE#MS, while the goods to be acquired through EX-2021-56191134- -APN-SGA#MS were sent to said agency through EX-2021-08476210-APNDD#MS” in a such that the acquired goods correspond to the following, expressed in the following way: equipment – ​​quantity - unit price - total price: Sound equipment with microphone and bluetooth speaker, 1, USD 180.00, USD 180.00;High Yield Copier, 1, $4,123.71, $4,123.71;2TB External HDD, 3, $193.55, $580.65, Portable Projector, 1, $215.00, $215.00;TP Link Router, 6, $149.48, $896.88;Tablet 6GB RAM, 4, $536.08, $2,144.32;Webcam with USB connection microphone, 4, $109.77, $439.08;Managed Distribution Access Edge Ethernet Switch (LAN-017_v24), 2, $232.99, $465.98;Wireless Small Office Router (LAN-019), 5, $45.00, $225.00;Optical readers (Device for capturing and transforming all types of handwritten or printed image information into binary data, to be processed by the computer), 3440, USD 305.63, USD 1,051,367.20, Office licenses, 29, $75.00, $2,175.00;Standard 17” TFT / LCD / LED monitor, 10, $227.00, $2,270.00;Desktop PC Monitor, 20, $150.00, $3,000.00;External Drive 1TB, 4, $350.00, $1,400.00;External Drive 10TB, 4, $75.00, $300.00;24 port switch ports, 5, $91.00, $455.00;Standard Desktop, 3560, $955.75, $3,402,470.00;High Performance Standard Desktop, 4, $2,082.48, $8,329.92;Full Advanced Desktop, 41, $1,136.00, $46,576.00;Standard Laptop, 5, $1,082.99, $5,414.95;Advanced Laptop, 74, $1,447.80, $107,137.20;Thin and Light Laptop, 20, $1,367.00, $27,340.00;Multifunction Printer (Low Volume), 1, $450.00, $450.00;Low-volume color electrophotographic multifunction printer, 2, $560.00, $1,120.00;Low-volume monochrome electrophotographic multifunction printer, 10, $350.50, $3,505.00;Monochrome Electrophotographic Multifunction Printer (High Volume), 35, $570.00, $19,950.00;Server PC, 1, $1,400.00, $1,400.00;UPS Uninterruptible Power Unit for Servers and/or Communications Racks, 1, $657.63, $657.63;Advanced Laptop (REDES), 800, USD 920.00, USD 736,000.00;Total: USD 5,430,588.52.That the consolidation of contracts to carry out this acquisition was put to the consideration of the SECRETARIAT OF EQUITY IN HEALTH, which gave its consent by Note NO-2021-58861476-APNSES#MS.That through Note NO-2021-49430923-APN-DNSSYR#MS from the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, the acquisition of 30 Advanced Laptop Computers was requested, in accordance with ETAPS Code: PC-007, with an estimated unit value of $129,478.66.That the SECRETARIAT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT issued favorably on the request through Providence PV-2021-58398174-APN-SGA#MS, establishing that it must be carried out “Incorporating it into the consolidated purchase already in progress, or failing that, charged to the respective expansion at the time of awarding”.That by Note NO-2021-63113474-APN-DTIYC#MS, the DIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES required the purchase of 300 Standard Laptops.That the bidding documentation was completed, and put to the consideration of the Inter-American Development Bank, it expressed its No Objection to the contracting pursued through the issuance of Document CSC/CAR 2531/2021.That consequently, the Bidding Documents were prepared, incorporated into these actions as PLIEG-2021-71376940-APN-DGPFE#MS for the acquisition of: LOT 1 DESKTOP COMPUTER, Item 1 standard desktop computer (3564 units ), Item 2 Full Advanced Desktop Computer (41 units);LOT 2 LAPTOP, Item 1 Standard Laptop (35 units), Item 2 Advanced Laptop (86 units), Item 3 Thin and Light Laptop (20 units), Item 4 Advanced Laptop (NETWORKS) (800 units), Item 5 Advanced Laptop (ENIA) (30 units), Item 6 Standard Laptop (SGA) (300 units);LOT 3 TABLET, Item 1 Tablet 6 GB RAM (4 units);LOT 4 MONITOR, Item 1 Standard TFT / LCD / LED Monitor (50 units);LOT 5 PRINTERS, Item 1 Low Volume Multifunction Printer (1 unit), Item 2 Low Volume Color Electrophotographic Multifunction Printer (2 units), Item 3 Low Volume Monochrome Electrophotographic Multifunction Printer (10 units), Item 4 Monochrome Electrophotographic Multifunction Printer (High Volume) (35 units);LOT 6 EXTERNAL DRIVE, Item 1 External Drive 10TB (5 drives), Item 2 External Drive 1TB (4 drives);LOT 7 PC, Item 1 PC for Server (1 unit);LOT 8 UPS, Item 1 UPS Uninterruptible Power Unit for servers and/or communications racks (1 unit);LOT 9 SOUND EQUIPMENT, Item 1 Sound equipment with microphone and bluetooth speaker (1 unit);LOT 10 PHOTOCOPIER, Item 1 High performance photocopier (1 unit);LOT 11 EXTERNAL HDD, Item 1 2TB External HDD (6 units), LOT 12 PROJECTOR, Item 1 Portable Projector (1 unit);LOT 13 ROUTER, Item 1 TP Link Router (16 units), Item 2 Wireless Router for small offices (LAN-019) (5 units), LOT 14 WEB CAM, Item 1 WebCam with USB connection microphone (6 units), LOT 15 SWITCH, Ethernet access distribution edge switch, manageable (LAN-017_v24) (3 units), LOT 16 OPTICAL READERS, Item 1 Optical readers (Device for capturing and transforming into binary data all kinds of handwritten information or already printed image, to be processed by computer) (3440 units);LOT 17 LICENSES, Item 1 Office licenses (49 units);LOT 18 SWITCH, Item 1 Switch with 24 mouth ports (9 units).That according to the actions in view, due publicity has been given to this procedure, as it arises from the publication made in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic (IF-2021-71408446-APN-DGPFE#MS), in the UFIS and MSAL website (IF-2021-84635304-APN-DGPFE#MS) and UNDB (IF-2021-73915666-APN-DGPFE#MS).That, having received inquiries from those interested in listing, Clarification Circular No. 1 was issued, which obtained the Bank's No Objection as stated in its document CSC/CAR 2986/2021 and was duly publicized (IF-2021- 86425156-APN-DGPFE#MS).That the intervention of the FINANCIAL AND BUDGETARY ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORATE is recorded, who through NO-2021-87430042-APN-DAFYP#MS became aware of this contract to proceed with its corresponding budgetary registration.That on September 28, 2021, bids were opened, obtaining 4 bids corresponding to the firms DATAWISES SA, LOGIA SOLUTIONS SRL, TECHNOLOGY DYNAMIC INC, and NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA, for Lots 1 and 2, while they have not No offer has been received for Lots 3 to 18, consequently, the Minutes of Opening of Offers IF-2021-91820994-APNDGPFE#MS.That on October 13, 2021, the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF PROVINCIAL SYSTEMS, the DIRECTORATE OF FINANCIAL TRANSFERS TO PROVINCES and the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF PROJECTS WITH EXTERNAL FINANCING carried out the technical evaluation of the offers regarding Lot 2.4 (IF-2021 -97593237-APN-DGPFE#MS), determining that the firms DATAWISES SA, LOGIA SOLUTIONS SRL, TECHNOLOGY DYNAMIC INC technically comply with the requirements.That on October 26, 2021, the DIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES (PV-2021-102949292-APN-DTIYC#MS) proceeded to the technical evaluation of the offers received, concluding that, with the exception of the offer received by the firm DATAWISES for Lot 2.6 that does not comply because “It has a 14” screen when a 15.6” screen was requested, the other offers technically comply with what is required.That by IF-2021-105821309-APN-DGPFE#MS the economic evaluation of the offers was carried out, determining that for Lot 1, item 1, the offer from the firm NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA was the cheapest offer, while for Lot Lot 1, item 2 and Lot 2, items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the offer from the firm TECHONOLOGY DYNAMICS INC turned out to be the most convenient.That on November 2, 2021, the Report on the evaluation of the offers and recommendation for the award of the contract (IF-2021-105811556-APN-DGPFE#MS) was issued, by which the compliance of the bidders with the bidding conditions, comparative tables of economic offers were made, and the award was recommended in the following order: Lot 1, item 1 corresponding to 3,564 units of standard desktop computers for a total of USD 3,275,387.00 in favor of the firm NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA, Lot 1, item 2 corresponding to 41 units of complete advanced desktop computers for the sum of USD 53,423.00 and Lot 2, item 1 corresponding to 35 units of standard laptop computers for the sum of USD 30,499.00, item 2, corresponding to 86 units of Advanced Laptop for the sum of USD 92,862.80, item 3, corresponding to 20 units of Thin and Light Laptop for the sum of USD 18,106.00, item 4, corresponding toe to 800 units of Advanced Laptop (REDES) for the sum of USD 668,960.00, item 5, corresponding to 30 units of Advanced Laptop (ENIA) for the sum of USD 24,297.00, and item 6, corresponding to 300 units Advanced Laptop Computer (SGA) for the sum of USD 268,200.00, in favor of the offer of the firm TECHONOLOGY DYNAMICS INC.That once the analysis of the submitted offers was carried out, and said Report was submitted for the consideration of the Inter-American Development Bank, the latter expressed its No Objection to the award recommendation, through the issuance of Document CSC/CAR 3768/2021 dated November 12, 2021.That the bidders were notified of the result of the evaluation, the firm TECHONOLOGY DYNAMICS INC requested an information meeting under the terms of articles 2.77 and 2.82 of the Policies for the Acquisition of Goods and Works Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2349 -15, and by the provisions of clause IAO 48 of Section II Bidding Data (DDL), regarding the result of the communicated evaluation.That said request was answered on November 19, 2021, stating that "For the purposes of granting greater detail to the pertinent explanations, we request that you please detail by this means the aspects that you request to be expanded in relation to the evaluation , to the effect that they can be made in writing”.That on November 24, 2021, the firm TECHONOLOGY DYNAMICS INC extended its request for an information session, which was answered by means of Note NO-2021-114701638-APN-DGPFE#MS by which it was communicated that “...being the product offered by his firm TECHNOLOGY DINAMIC INC.(IF-2021-91971505-APN-DGPFE#MS; IF-2021-92001805-APN-DGPFE#MS) for Lot 1 item 1 entirely of foreign origin, according to "Price List Form": Goods manufactured outside the Country of the Buyer to be imported (Group C Offers, Goods to be imported);and according to the “Offered Product Form” the Country of Origin is: Mexico corresponds to the application of the clause previously mentioned Margin of Preference (IAO 33) cited at its evaluated price and therefore your offer belongs to “GROUP C”, we proceeded to “add to the evaluated costs of the goods of each offer of group C an amount equivalent to 15% (fifteen percent) of the CIP price of the Offer for goods already imported or to be imported”.That through IF-2021-117081302-APN-DGPFE#MS, the Complaint filed by the firm TECHONOLOGY DYNAMICS INC dated December 2, 2021, was incorporated, through which it challenged the award of Lot 1, item 1 to the firm NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA for considering that the "application of the national preference criterion is inadmissible, since it considers that the product offered by NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA is not a national product, since "... the components of the product to be acquired Standard desktop computer which is made up of (Mother, microprocessor, memories, hard drives, Monitor, keyboard, mouse, Cabinet) are of imported origin, exceeding 70% of their cost, and there is no product in the market whose total sum of imported components is less than the mentioned percentage, therefore labor, raw materials and components in the country cannot represent more than 30%” and that “Novatech Solutions SA denounced in its OFFER (price sheet) that only 15% is the cost of thelabour, raw material and components of origin in the Buyer's Country, applied to the EXW unit price of each item” (sic).That based on this, a request was made to the firm NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA, as stated in NO-2021-118889588-APN-DGPFE#MS, regarding the composition of its offer declared as nationally produced goods, which was answered by the signature through IF-2021-123302574-APN-DGPFE#MS.That against this, it was required through NO-2021-126134275-APN-DGPFE#MS that the aforementioned firm attach supporting documentation to the presentation made on December 15, 2021 since in it the response obtained differed from the Sworn Statement presented by the firm in its offer, as well as what was declared in its quotation form, in such a way that with the elements under study the origin of the products offered could not be defined.That the firm NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA responded to the request by means of IF-2022-00243196-APNDGPFE#MS attaching "Trademark registration certificate in the National Institute of Industrial Property - Certificate of registration in AFIP detailing our main activity "MANUFACTURING OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS INFORMÁTICOS” - Import dispatches during 2021 for the aforementioned productive investments - An institutional presentation of our company and the activities we develop - Institutional video”.That once the complementary information collection procedure had been completed, on January 11, 2022, the Complaint Resolution Report IF-2022-03241234-APN-DGPFE#MS was issued, establishing that "in the face of the analysis of all From the proceedings, it emerged that there are inconsistencies between the Price List Form, the Affidavit dated December 15, 2021, and the Affidavit dated December 30, 2021. Thus, it is noted that in the affidavit of dated December 15, 2021, NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA declared that the product offered is 100% Argentine, while in the email dated December 30, 2021 it said that the cost structure ratio is 60/40, arguing that 40% of all components and labor are Argentine.That, from the successive presentations of NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA, the origin of the product does not reliably emerge, being inconsistent the reliable demonstration regarding the origin of the product and/or its treatment with national preference, thus distorting the affidavit originally presented with its offer, which is not by itself a sufficient instrument to grant the preference of treatment of its offer" based on which it concluded that "in view of the above, it is appropriate to rectify the elevated award report and, by virtue thereof, modify the intention of adjudication in order to designate as the Successful Bidder of Lot No. 1, Item No. 1 the Bid submitted by TECHNOLOGY DINAMIC INC, for a total amount of USD 3,094,264.80 without VAT, as its bid is the lowest among the eligible bids evaluated.”That put to the consideration of the Inter-American Development Bank, it expressed its No Objection to the resolution of the complaint, by issuing Document CSC/CAR 159/2022 dated January 18, 2022.That given the result of the Complaint process initiated by the firm TECHONOLOGY DYNAMICS INC, the Report on the evaluation of the offers and Recommendation for the award of the contract was rectified by means of IF-2022-04411932-APN-DGPFE#MS, by which was concluded before awarding this contract, in the following order: Lot 1, item 1 corresponding to 3,564 units of standard desktop computers for a total of USD 3,094,264.80, Lot 1, item 2 corresponding to 41 units of Full advanced desktop computer for the sum of USD 53,423.00 and Lot 2, item 1 corresponding to 35 units of Standard Laptop for the sum of USD 30,499.00, item 2, corresponding to 86 units of Advanced Laptop for the sum of USD 92,862.80, item 3, corresponding to 20 units of Thin and Light Laptop for the sum of USD 18,106.00, item 4, corresponding to 800 units of Advanced Laptop (REDES) for the sum of USD 668,960.00, item 5, corresponding to 30 units of Advanced Laptop (ENIA) for the sum of USD 24,297.00, and item 6, corresponding to 300 units of Advanced Laptop (SGA) for the sum of USD 268,200, 00, in favor of the offer of the firm TECHONOLOGY DYNAMICS INC.That on January 26, 2022, the firm NOVATECH SOLUTIONS SA (IF-2022-09334153-APNDGPFE#MS) requested an informative meeting regarding the notification of intention to award communicated to the party dated January 20 of the current, which was answered by means of Note NO-2022-10114442-APNDGPFE#MS dated February 2, 2022.That looks incorporated as IF-2022-09343138-APN-DGPFE#MS the agreement provided by the pre-awardee for the maintenance of its offer for an additional 30 days.That through IF-2022-11247494-APN-SGA#MS there is the agreement provided by the SECRETARIAT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT for this acquisition, in accordance with the provisions of article 1 of Decree No. 945/2017, indicating that the This Process is in accordance with the provisions of the "Policies for the Acquisition of Goods and Works Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2349-15 (March 2019)".That once the suspensive period has elapsed, it is verified that no complaints or objections to this contracting process have been received.That for these purposes, it becomes necessary to approve the International Public Tender MSAL-29-LPI-B for the "Acquisition of computer equipment (Consolidated Demand)", within the framework of IDB Loan Contract No. 5032/OC-AR.That the respective International Public Bidding Process MSAL-29-LPI-B for the "Acquisition of computer equipment (Consolidated Demand)", was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the procedures provided for in the "Policies for the Acquisition of Goods and Works Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2349-15 (March 2019)”.That the contract model has been prepared that appears incorporated into the actions as IF-2022-11308710-APN-DGPFE#MS.That by NO-2022-22488641-APN-DGPYCP#MS the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF PROGRAMMING AND BUDGET CONTROL has reported the existence of budgetary credit to face this contract.That the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS has taken over the intervention of its competence.That this measure is issued by virtue of the provisions of IDB Loan Contract 5032/OC-AR, Decree 945/2017, Decree No. 174/21, Decree No. 223/2021 and Resolution No. RESOL-2020-2216- APN-MS.THE SECRETARY OF EQUITY IN HEALTH IN HIS CAPACITY AS NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE IMMEDIATE RESPONSE PROJECT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC TO CONTAIN, CONTROL AND MITIGATE ITS EFFECT ON THE PROVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES IN ARGENTINA” AGREEMENT OF IDB LOAN 5032/OCARARTICLE 1.- Approval of the proceedings in the International Public Tender MSAL-29-LPI-B processed by Electronic File No. EX-2021-56191134- -APN-SGA#MS for the "Acquisition of computer equipment (Consolidated Demand)", within the framework of the “Immediate Public Health Response Project in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Contain, Control and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of Health Services in Argentina” (IDB Loan Contract 5032/OC-AR), which will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Policies for the Acquisition of Goods and Works Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank” GN-2349-15 (May 2019).ARTICLE 2.- LOT No. 1, Item 1, corresponding to the amount of 3,564 "standard desktop computers" for an amount of US DOLLARS THREE MILLION NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR WITH 80/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 3,094,264.80 without VAT), LOT N° 1, ITEM 2 corresponding to the amount of 41 complete advanced desktop computers for an amount of US DOLLARS FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE WITH 00/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 53,423.00 without VAT), LOT N° 2, ITEM 1, corresponding to the amount of 35 standard laptops for an amount of US DOLLARS THIRTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETY-NINE WITH 00/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 30,499.00 without VAT), LOT N° 2, ITEM 2, corresponding to the amount of 86 advanced laptops in the amount of US DOLLARS NINETY-TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO WITH 80/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 92,862.80without VAT), LOT N° 2, ITEM 3, corresponding to the amount of 20 Slim and Light Laptops for an amount of US DOLLARS EIGHTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SIX WITH 00/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 18,106.00 without VAT) , LOT N° 2, ITEM 4, corresponding to the amount of 800 Advanced Laptops for an amount of US DOLLARS SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY WITH 00/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 668,960.00 without VAT), LOT N° 2, ITEM 5, corresponding to the amount of 30 Advanced Laptops for an amount of US DOLLARS TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVEN WITH 00/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 24,297.00 without VAT), LOT N° 2 , ITEM 6, corresponding to the amount of 300 Advanced Laptops for an amount of US DOLLARS TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED WITH 00/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 268,200.00 without VAT), so that the total amountof the contract is US DOLLARS FOUR MILLION TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND TWELVE WITH 60/100 without Value Added Tax (USD 4,250,612.60 without VAT) in favor of the firm TECHNOLOGY DINAMIC INC., a company incorporated under the laws of United States of America with headquarters at 1001 Brickell Bay Dr. Ste 1800 Miami, FL 33131, USA.ARTICLE 3.- The offer presented by the firm DATAWISES SA for Lot 2.6 is dismissed, due to not fulfilling the technical requirements as expressed in the present recitals.ARTICLE 4°.- Lots No. 3 to 18 are declared void, as no valid bids have been received for this contract for the aforementioned lots.ARTICLE 5.- Approve the contract model that appears incorporated into the actions as IF-2022-11308710-APN-DGPFE#MS, and which as an Annex forms an integral part of this.ARTICLE 6.– Charge this procedure as follows: Year 2022 Program IPP FF 22 Amount pesos $ 323,396,604.16 and Year 2022 Program IPP FF 11 Amount pesos $ 138,586,973.21.ARTICLE 7°.