Small TFT 12.15 patch buffs Ezreal, Xayah, and Shyvana - Dot Esports

2022-08-08 04:49:38 By : Ms. Angela zhang

From dumpster fire to smooth sailing.

Only four weeks are left to the first half of the Teamfight Tactics Set Seven Dragonlands set, and the meta is entering a good spot. 

Patch 12.14 went down in the TFT history logs as one of the worst patches of all time (top ten), according to game design director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer. The B-patch was able to resolve several main issues and the balance team appears confident, according to the 12.15 Patch Rundown, that the final weeks heading into the Mid-Set should run relatively smooth. 

Most changes in TFT Patch 12.15 are minor buffs, refining underperforming strategies and builds, according to Kent “Riot Kent” Wu. Ezreal is getting a buff to their spell at all three stars, potentially returning the Set Seven champion to their former glory as an early to midgame carry.

The Dragonmancer trait is getting buffed at six, primarily through independent buffs to Set Seven champions like Lee Sin. Xayah will get an attack speed buff that will make her the fastest casting champion in the Dragonlands set. And Twitch is getting a slight attack speed buff, scaling with the Swiftshot trait and items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade, according to Mortdog. 

Shyvana is the only TFT champion getting a rework in Patch 12.15. Her targeting has been changed to dive bomb into the largest clump, as opposed to the first random champion targeted. And as a result, her mana was nerfed, forcing the 10-cost dragon to auto-attack before transforming into a dragon and divebombing the opponent’s team.

Players can now check out all the TFT Patch 12.15 changes on PBE servers. Balance changes are subject to change before the update goes live on Aug. 10. The Dragonlands Mid-Set Set 7.5 update is slated to take place on Sept. 8.