OLED Displays for iPad are being Delayed until 2024 due to a shift to an all-new ‘Dry Etching’ Process that will deliver thinner & lighter iPads - Patently Apple

2022-07-16 00:51:38 By : Mr. Steven Pan

Rumors surfaced in 2021 (01 and 02) that Apple would deliver their first iPads with OLED displays in 2022. Today we’re learning that the first OLED-based iPads will only be coming to market in 2024. Disruptions with COVID and Apple deciding to shift to an all-new process are two of the reasons for the delay.

Today Korea IT News reports that Apple has confirmed that an organic light emitting diode (OLED) display iPad will be released in 2024. OLED iPads will have improved picture quality and lightweight. The growth of the small and medium-sized OLED ecosystem is anticipated with the launch of the OLED iPads.

Apple is producing final prototypes of OLED iPads with major domestic display partners. As this is the first time OLED will be used in a tablet PC, Apple is creating several prototypes and repeating the testing process several times.

Apple will also introduce the iPad OLED display dry etching process for the first time. Display dry etching is a process of removing unnecessary parts using chemical technology when making thin film transistor (TFT) circuit patterns. The display can be etched to make the display thinner and lighter.

Apple omitted the etching process for the iPhone OLED panel because the OLED panel in the iPhones is lighter than the liquid crystal display (LCD) of the past iPhone. There will be an increase in unit price if the process is added.

Apple plans to focus on the lighter weight and the unrivaled image quality of the next iPad. It is reported that the OLED dry etching process allows the weight of the unit to be as light as possible.

Along with this, Apple is developing special coatings to increase durability of the thin panel from the etching process. Samsung and LG Display are expected to supply the OLED panels. For more, read the full report from Korea IT News.

Posted by Jack Purcher on July 12, 2022 at 05:25 AM in 5. Supply Chain News & Rumors | Permalink | Comments (0)

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