Digicameinfo leaked all images, specs and a video of the GH6:
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Here is the definition of the word “rumor” according to Merriam Webster dictionary:
Pronunciation: \ˈrü-mər\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English rumour, from Anglo-French, from Latin rumor clamor, gossip; akin to Old English rēon to lament, Sanskrit rauti he roars
Date: 14th century 1: talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source 2: a statement or report current without known authority for its truth 3 archaic : talk or report of a notable person or event
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FT= FourThirds FT1=probably fake rumor FT2=rumor from unkown sources FT3=50% chance it is correct FT4=rumor from known sources FT5=almost certainly correct!